Beautiful pics of Paris Hilton and Emily Osment feet & legs

Carter Milliken Reum is an American author, entrepreneur and venture capitalist who was born on 5 February 1981. It is notable the fact that he got married to Paris Hilton. He also created M13 Ventures which is an Angel Investment firm. Carter Reum's income is primarily generated through his angel investing firm M13. M13 has invested and made exits with Jessica Alba's The Honest Company, Matterport and Ring. He's earned a hefty salary from all of his business endeavors. Her representative informed USA Today that the popular social media personality Reality TV, DJ and 41 welcomed her son along with venture capitalist Carter Reum. Hilton posted a photo on Instagram of what appears to be a baby's fingers grasping Hilton's thumb. Emily Jordan Osment was born on March 10 on the 10th of March, 1992 at Los Angeles. Haley Joel Osment, the actor in The Sixth Sense is her younger sister. Eugene is a noted actor. Emily took their footsteps, began acting in several commercials, including Dick Van Dyke's radio spot. Prior to making her film debut, Emily appeared in several commercials. The same year she landed the role of Glenn Close's daughter in Hallmark's Sarah Plain and Tall Winter's End. This role resulted in a nomination to be a nominee for Best Young Actor.

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